Monday, 23 September 2013

New Axis release version 22-09-2013

We are pleased to announce the release of yet another upgrade for September; the result of our mission to continuously improve our products. This version contains several small improvements which enhance Axis functionality. It also includes a new innovation that again makes Axis the number 1 choice for ratings, system development and handicapping.

Ratings2Win is excited to release a function that is missing from all other commercial software providers. This function is the Daily Systems Automation. The first stages, explained below are but a starting point in our development of Axis Automation. These time saving features  assist clients by removing the mundane tasks from their workload. Obviously The less a client has to do to produce their selections the better. This function also reduces the likelihood of errors and missing selections.

Axis now automates the running of systems that the client sets up as those that are to be run on race day. This is seamlessly integrated into the program on several levels. When a day is loaded into the Race Day Portal (the main program interface) all the above systems are run automatically for our clients taking but a few seconds to complete. The resultant selections are displayed in a separate text file in race time order with each selection having the corresponding system name. It doesn't stop here, the program then flags every race where there is a system selection in the Races Grid View, and also flags each horse that is a selection in the Horses Field View. There is no way that you can miss a selection as you go through the races of the day.

This alone would set Axis apart from all other programs however we have gone further. Each time that you update Axis with new information such as scratchings, track condition changes, jockey changes, dividends, distance and other changes Axis will re-run the systems again seamlessly taking into account all this information and producing a fresh, up-to-the-minute current list of selections.

So that our clients do not miss any changes to their selections, Axis is capable of saying (by speaking over your PC sound system) any changes so that you are aware that your selections have changed. This is particularly effective if you have a large number of systems producing many selections.
Again this is seamless and requires nothing from the user other than a click of a button to update the information.

Once the results are known the overall systems selections printout will also include the results so that you can see at a glance how your selections have performed for the day.

Simply put, you will not miss out on a system selection if you have Axis doing the work! Your selections will be up-to-the-minute correct, leaving you to concentrate on your work and your betting.

Similar functionality is available to your black book selections. When you load a day in the Race Day Portal, your black book selections are printed in a separate document and Axis then flags every race where there is a black book selection in the Races Grid view and flags which horses are the selections in the Horses Field view. As with your systems, there is no way that you can miss a black book selection as you go through the races of the day. The list and flags would is also updated as new information comes to hand; in the case of a black book it will be a scratching or jockey changes.

We are excited to be able to offer our clients this type of automation as we know the value of having your selections and black book updated with the latest information as punters just like you, we deal with the dynamic nature of betting every day. A missed winning selection is hard to reconcile when such loss could be easily prevented by utilising the above functionality.

As indicated above this is just the first stage of where Axis is going in terms of automation. Above all we are punters, and having a program doing more and more of our work appeals to us, just as we know that it appeals to our clients and other punters. There is nothing like the security and confidence of executing a full day of betting knowing that all your selections are true.

Lastly I would like to note that this upgrade is FREE and available to all our clients in every subscription level. You know that once you purchase Axis at a specific level all upgrades that apply to that level are free regardless of the nature of benefits and size of the upgrade. This is just another way we help our clients to eliminate any hidden ongoing costs. Obviously in respect of our clients this  assists in their budgeting as all that is payable is the subscription cost of the data once their starter pack has been purchased.

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